Thursday, August 30, 2012


CNET Editors' note: The Download Now link will prompt a local download of the Google Chrome extension. To install the extension directly, open the file using your Chrome browser.

by: CNET staff on May 07, 2012

If you find yourself constantly needing to refresh a Web page you're working on or viewing, this tool could be a time saver for you. JeanLou Dupont has released Auto-Reload, a Google Chrome extension built to automate the reloading of a Web page.

This free tool, once installed, adds a single button to your Chrome address bar. You won't find any unnecessary bells or whistles, just a few options that you can set and forget. It's easy to choose the refresh intervals, and the button changes color depending on whether it's active or not, a simple touch we liked. Auto-Reload also has a Sticky Mode option, which essentially allows you to bookmark the URLs that you want to autorefresh on every visit.

If you're looking for a quick fix to automatically refresh specific URLs, it doesn't get much easier than this. Auto-Reload is perfect for individuals who require real-time monitoring of a particular Web page. The add-on installed and uninstalled cleanly.

window.addEvent('domready', function() { $$('div[id^="universalVideo"]').set('styles', { clear: 'none', overflow: 'hidden' }); });

Auto-Reload reloads a web page on a regular basis. The interval is configurable through the "options" page. Fine grain configurable timeout (30secs to 1hour). "Randomize" option for timeout. "Active Time Range": only performs reloading between a time interval: Begin "active" period, End "active" period

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// Floating Download Bar function toggleDLbarStop() { var downloadNowButton = $('downloadLinks'); var downloadNowBar = $('floatingDLCTABar'); var downloadNowButtonCoordinates = downloadNowButton.getCoordinates(); var windowScroll = window.getScroll(); downloadNowBar.set('tween', { duration: 'short', transition: 'linear', link: 'ignore' }); if(windowScroll.y > downloadNowButtonCoordinates.bottom){ downloadNowBar.removeClass('hiding'); downloadNowBar.addClass('showing'); downloadNowBar.tween('height', 36); } else if(windowScroll.y

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