This utility allows you to easily schedule shutdown functions and other tasks, but modifications can be a problem. Shut Down Expert has a boring, yet easy-to-comprehend, interface. The program effectively turns your computer on or off, restarts, logs off, or kicks your system into standby at a given time, day, week, or month.
Other prespecified tasks include screensavers, starting and closing applications, and a defrag option. You can also set hot keys to quickly perform specific tasks and events. To secure your settings from alterations, you can apply password protection to certain features of the program.
System administrators will appreciate that Shut Down Expert can be used on a remote desktop; though during testing, we were unable to modify scheduled events using this function. Nonetheless, this application will suit any user looking for an effective and reliable shutdown utility.
window.addEvent('domready', function() { $$('div[id^="universalVideo"]').set('styles', { clear: 'none', overflow: 'hidden' }); });Shut Down Expert is an award-winning software designed for turn off and wake up your computer programmatically. It is extended to support other programmable local and remote events. It works under any 32 bit Windows operating system. It supports more type of events. Turn Off (to turn off the computer), Turn On (to turn on the computer), Reboot (to restart the computer), and Wake Up.
What's new in this version: Version 5.15 adds Windows 8 support and new monthly time setting features.
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