Monday, March 3, 2014


by: CNET staff on February 22, 2013

Procrastination and lack of focus are major money-wasting elements in life and business. Vitamin-R for Mac might be a useful tool to increase your personal and business productivity. The main drawback to this program is that you have to actually use the program regularly for it to help you.

Vitamin-R for Mac helps increase productivity by breaking down tasks into small components. First, the program instructs you to organize your goals and split them into smaller tasks of approximately 15 minutes each. The user can easily set tasks for shorter periods and longer periods, but the program suggest that intervals of 15 minutes are the most beneficial. Then, it lets you decide which desktop programs that are distracting you want to hide. The program counts down the time limit on the Menu Bar and has a verbal announcement when the time is up. It is simple to use, but hidden programs do not automatically return when the time lapses. The trial version lasts 14 days and you can purchase a license for $19.95.

Vitamin-R for Mac offers tools that might help increase focus on tasks and reduce procrastination. Unfortunately, you need to use the program consistently in order for it to be effective. This program would seem to appeal to anyone who struggles with low productivity and is unable to maintain focus. The program is suitable for both office and home environments.

Editors' note: This is a review of the trial version of Vitamin-R for Mac 1.94.

Vitamin-R is a collection of tools and techniques designed to overcome the biggest productivity challenges facing today's new caste of creative professionals: managing attention and maintaining motivation. It complements the task capturing and organizing features of modern to-do list managers, by forcing you to keep attention on a single task. Vitamin-R smooths the creative process by rejecting the dusty business book notion of self discipline and fully embracing the way our brains are truly wired. Vitamin-R breaks down large, vaguely defined tasks into a series of short "time slices" of between 10 and 30 minutes, each with specific, easily reachable and actionable objectives. During these time slices it keeps you focused on accomplishing only this one objective and provides you with mechanisms for dealing with interruptions, poor concentration. Vitamin-R concentrates on getting started which allows you to break through the resistance of procrastination and creates a positive feedback loop of small achievements that get you closer to your ultimate aims. This greatly reduces the stress caused by looming deadlines and a lack of a clear direction, thus enabling you to enjoy guilt-free breaks in which you can pursue other interests. Vitamin-R provides you with the "Now & Later Board", complete with FastType magic, to give you a place to quickly dump all those things that go through your head and allows to get back to the task at hand. While Vitamin-R assists you in getting on with your work, it also keeps a customizable record of your progress that can help you detect positive, as well as negative work patterns thus allowing you find the way that suits you best.

What's new in this version: Fixes a number of ARC related issues in the 2.09 release.

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